New members wishing to join the Swindon Spurs will need to supply the following to the secretary;
Payment, payable by; cheque or transfer payable to SSSC Swindon Spurs supporters club, cash or by using online banking, account details can be obtained from any committee member.
A valid THFC CRN membership number for the forthcoming season, (we can only offer the benefits to a member of THFC
The annual subscription prices for new members wishing to join The Swindon Spurs supporters club; -
New Members
£20 Adult
£30 Family Membership (1 Adult + Wife/Partner)
FREE Senior & Juniors U16
Renewals for this Season 2024-25
£10 Adult
£15 Family Memberships (1 Adult + Wife/Partner)
FREE Senior & Juniors U16

Affiliate Membership
Swindon Spurs has recognised that not everyone lives within an area close to a supporters club associated with Tottenham, and as such are missing out on some fantastic opportunities. To counter this, we have created a another membership level within The Swindon Spurs. This level of membership is called an Affiliated Member.
An affiliated member of Swindon Spurs includes all of the options as a full member except for the fact that you must purchase your own tickets. Once you have purchased a ticket however, we can provide transport to all home games and depending on demand some away games as well.
As well as transport, we also host our own legend evenings with some of Tottenhams greats from the past, an annual AGM plus lots of other goodies listed below.
All Senior & Junior subscriptions are free
Exclusive access to attend Spurs Legends Social evenings
Choose your Spurs Player of the Year
Monthly Newsletter
Cheap, reliable transport to and from Tottenham Hotspur stadium
Opportunites to travel abroad on European adventures with other club members
Possibly become the Swindon Spurs member of the year
So to become an affiliated Swindon Spurs Member simply get in touch with the club secretary for further information.